Laissez les bons temps rouler! ⚜️
We will meet in the Oval on Saturday, February 17th from 12-3PM for fun Mardi Gras and wine themed games for your party to enjoy. There are five events, and you can either participate as a team of 4 or a solo. The five events are described below but are subject to change. We encourage participants to dress in their finest Mardi Gras attire; beads, masks, and more - you'll receive bonus points for dressing up! Registration begins at 12:00PM with the first game starting promptly at 12:15PM. Tickets are required for this event and can be purchased here. |
The King of Carnival is feeling a little silly this season and decided to make it harder to move the coins to the right spot.
You must use a spoon to carry the coins one-by-one and place it inside the Mardi Gras hat. Your team must move as many as you can in 2 minutes. A teammate or staff will hold the hat for you. If the coin falls off the spoon, that teammates turn is over and the next one will go. Team members will rotate who is scooping up the coin. You get a point for each one in the hat. BOURBON BOTTLE RING TOSS
Mardi Gras is all about the cleanse - but not from Bourbon! Take turns with your teammates by tossing the halos and trying to get one around the neck of each bottle.
This game is based off a carnival-style bottle toss. Take turns with your teammates by tossing the halos and trying to get one around the neck of each bottle. Players receive 6 rings and will receive a point for each ring they get around a bottle of Bourbon. More than one ring per bottle is acceptable. Bonus point: One ring on each bottle. |
Justice, power, and faith - the meanings of the 3 colors of Mardi Gras. You will need all 3 of these things to succeed in this tricky game!
You and your teammate will stand a few yards away from each other - one of you will be the thrower, and the other the receiver. You have one minute to toss as many Mardi Gras necklaces around your partner's neck. The receivers cannot use their hands to secure the beads. One point for each necklace that makes it fully around the neck. MARDI GRAS COIN
SCAVENGER HUNT It seems that The King has misplaced some of his lucky coins and he needs your help finding them. 50 Mardi Gras coins have grown legs and hidden themselves among the property. Before the event, you'll be given instructions on areas that can be searched and areas that are restricted.
Your team will have 45 minutes to find as many candy canes as possible. The team with the most coins found at the end of 45 minutes wins! |
There have been many nice wine drinkers this year, so The King of Carnival wants to reward you with some lucky coins!
Your team will stand from a distance and have 45 seconds to toss as many Mardi Gras coins in the hat as you can! One point will be rewarded for each coin that is fully in the hat. Each teammate's total will be counted granting a final total for your team. |